


High School, Fixed Mindset, Growth Mindset


The Growth Mindset is an attitude focused on the development and continuous learning of the individual, so that it contributes, in a systemic way, to the enhancement of the student. In contrast, he may assume a defensive attitude, focused on his individual performance and, in turn, avoid challenging tasks that involve learning and change (Fixed Mindset). The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between the Growth Mindset and the Fixed Mindset of public technical high school students in Rio de Janeiro. This is a research of qualitative approach, of action research type of exploratory type and interpretative nature, carried out with 98 students. As an instrument of data collection, we used a self-assessment questionnaire with closed questions and workshops applied in person and online. The data were analyzed using Bardin's content analysis. Participated in the research 98 students, 28 of whom were under 18 years old, 73% declared themselves as being mixed race or black, and 32% as white. Of these 68% lived in São Gonçalo, 12% in Niterói and 10% in Itaboraí and Maricá. From the results obtained it was possible to identify the prevalence of the fixed Mindset in the students, especially in the technical course of work safety. It was concluded that they understood that although it is difficult to change, this change is necessary, so that they can transform their lives, make them more secure and believe in themselves and in all their potential.


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Author Biographies

Thaynan Silva Santos, Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro

He has a high school degree from the Foundation for Support to the Technical School of the State of Rio de Janeiro (2014). Undergraduate student of Occupational Therapy at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ) CNPq Scientific Initiation scholarship holder for the ongoing project with emphasis on Education, School Violence

Julia Silva Leal Tavares, Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Occupational Therapy at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ) attending the 8th period, with ongoing projects with emphasis on Education, School Violence, and Sexuality Education.

Claudia Donelate, Unirio

She has a degree in Administration from Gama Filho University (1990) and a specialization in Human Resources Management from Cândido Mendes University (2004). Member of the Research Ethics Committee and of the Research Center in Gender and Social Technologies of the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro. She has experience in the areas of Academic Management, Research and Development, with emphasis on project management


Aline Bittencourt Fernandes da Silva, Consultoria para o Sucesso

Multipotential entrepreneur profile, agile and proactive, bachelor's degree in social communication with a major in advertising and propaganda from Estácio de Sá University. MBA in Strategic Business Management from Universidade Anhanguera. Researcher in the area of discourse in digital media, social technologies, Lean models and Third Sector. Working since 2012 as a teacher at Universidade Anhanguera de Niterói, marketing and branding consultant, mentor of entrepreneurs and project managers, digital content writer, producer of academic events.



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How to Cite

Silva Santos, T. ., Silva Leal Tavares, J., Donelate, C. ., Bittencourt Fernandes da Silva, A., & Bittencourt Fernandes da Silva, A. M. (2021). GROWTH MINDSET AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP STUDENTS IN TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL . ACERTTE SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 1(3), e1330.