Interculturality; Foreign language; Korean language; Identity; Socio-culturalAbstract
This work aims to highlight the importance of the intercultural perspective in teaching foreign languages, based on a case study in a Korean language course based on the author's experience. The definitions of identity, difference, culture, and language, as well as their interrelationships, and how intercultural perspectives can be applied in the classroom are analyzed. The study investigates the presence of interculturality in the educational environment and how theories are practiced. It is concluded that interculturality plays an essential role in teaching foreign languages, allowing students to better understand the culture of the target language, without resorting to stereotypes, and at the same time respect their own culture as the basis of identity. The theoretical framework includes authors such as Byram, Hall, and Hanna, who discuss identity, culture, and interculturality in the context of language teaching.
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