


Modernization. Globalization. Educational quality. Inequality. Educational reform.


The Brazilian education system is facing a significant crisis due to modernization and globalization, revealing a disconnect between the school curriculum and the reality of students, in addition to not adequately meeting the demands of the labor market. Historically, formal education has been a crucial means for social and economic progress, but current criticism points to the lack of practical relevance of teaching and the perpetuation of inequalities. The Brazilian Constitution guarantees education as a fundamental right, but quality remains a challenge, even with advances in schooling and reduced illiteracy. This study aims to analyze the challenges of the Brazilian educational system and identify solutions to align the curriculum with contemporary needs and the labor market. The methodology included a literature review of the educational system and international reforms, statistical and qualitative data analysis from national and international surveys, and interviews with educators and experts. In addition, existing public policies and programs were evaluated and participatory discussions were held through workshops and focus groups. The research aims to offer recommendations for reforms that promote more inclusive and relevant education for the 21st century, addressing inequalities and better-preparing students for the future.


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Author Biographies

Maria Isabel Mello Costa de Carvalho, Federal University of Pernambuco

Graduated in Pedagogy from the Education Center of the Federal University of Pernambuco. Experience in bilingual teaching for preschool.

Sílvio De Liberal, Federal Institute of São Paulo

PhD in Mathematics Education from Anhanguera University. Master's degree in Socio-Organizational Systems of Economic Activity from the Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal). Specialist in Mathematics Education and Degree in Mathematics from Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz. He is a professor at the Federal Institute of São Paulo, São Paulo Campus.


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How to Cite

Mello Costa de Carvalho, M. I., & De Liberal, S. (2024). EDUCATION IN THE FACE OF THE MODERNIZATION PROCESS. ACERTTE SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 4(7), e47193 .