Interculturality. Foreign language. Korean language. Identity. Socio-cultural.Abstract
This study aims to explain the importance of the intercultural perspective in foreign language teaching in the focus on a case study in a Korean language course with the author's own experience. To do so, it analyzes the definitions of identity and difference, culture and language as well as the relationships between them and the intercultural perspectives that can be applied in the classroom. It is observed how interculturality is present in the classroom and how the theories studied are applied. Finally, it is concluded that interculturality plays a very important role in foreign language teaching that students can better understand the culture of the target language without stereotyping it, still respecting their own culture as the basis of their identity. The theoretical framework is supported by Byram (1997, 2002, 2009), Hall (2003, 2006), Hanna (2019a, 2019b), among other authors who explain identity, culture and interculturality for foreign language teaching.
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