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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format, since it does not exceed 10. MB
  • Whenever possible, the URLs corresponding to the references were provided.
  • The text is 1,5 spaced; uses a 10-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • All authors must be registered in the journal and own Orcid.
  • ACERTTE Magazine reserves the right to index its article platform on websites that its editors deem convenient for the proposal for dissemination of the journal, as well as the commercialization and advertising of the article, provided that the return, when any, is shared with the author.
  • Publication cost (CDP). For Brazilian authors (Brazil) the publication fee is R$ 299.00 BRL (two hundred and ninety-nine reais). For other authors (other countries), the publication fee is US$ 150.00 USD (one hundred and fifty US dollars, via Paypal). The publication fee is charged only for accepted papers. There is no submission fee. Please put the number of your item in the PIX or deposit made to ACERTTE.
  • Dear authors, after the article's publication in the journal, the inclusion of co-authors is vetoed, according to criteria of CAPES and our indexers/directories.
  • I take full responsibility for the ideological and referential contribution conferred to this work, exempting the journal from any and all reflections about this article / work that I submit to publish. I am aware that I will be able to answer, civilly and criminally in case of proven production or any topic that raises ideological/political issues.
  • If you are publishing CBT, it can only be sent to the journal, once approved by the competent bodies of the faculty. And all authors involved in the preparation of the work must be in accordance with its publication, including the advisor. The CBT cannot be published in another journal.
  • I am aware that, after the submission of the article and the inclusion of the co-authors, it is forbidden to add more names of authors in the article, since the material has already been approved and is in the process of publishing. Special cases will be handled individually.
  • The research involving human beings presents the approval of the Research Ethics Committee, as well as the process of obtaining the participants' free and informed consent.
    Resolution 466/12 - Research in the area of health.
    Resolution 510/16 - Research in the areas of Applied Human and Social Sciences
  • The sending of any DIGITAL CONTENT, automatically implies the full AUTHORIZATION of copyright to the Journal, being able to publish, display, give temporary access to third parties and distribute the contents in any and all territories in which the Journal carries out activities, as well as the rights to make access and consultation available, belong to the journal's website (site of the platform for publication/dissemination of access to articles). The Journal will have the freedom/right to index the journal on any platform or indexing directory, national or international, without having to communicate or consult its writers.
  • The set of all WORKS (articles, reviews, TCCs, translations, images, videos, interviews and others), in physical or digital format, were legally provided by the writers when the submission of their works on the Journal's platform.
    This AUTHORIZATION occurred when the article was registered and subdued by the author or co-authors, accepting the copyright conditions set out by the Journal, which complies with national and international standards for the dissemination of digital content.
  • I assume full responsibility for the registration of the co-authors in the journal, when applicable, and confirm that I have their consent to submit the article.
  • After the publication of the article, any corrections that are necessary will be the responsibility of the author, who must pay a fee of R$ 200.00 (two hundred reais) to make them. Only mistakes made by the journal itself during the publication process will be exempt from this fee.
  • I declare to be aware of the regulation of the journal and assume full responsibility, civil and criminal, for the content of the article submitted. In addition, I undertake to register all co-authors of the article and to make the corrections suggested by the evaluators, as well as to format the article according to the journal template.
  • If the graphic elements (such as figures, tables, tables, images and photos) are not of original authorship, are they accompanied by a license that authorizes their reproduction or adaptation?

Author Guidelines

Publication Guidelines for Authors/Contributors

  1. Articles must be submitted online only through the website.
  2. Articles must be unpublished and not published in print or electronically. Proof of originality is the responsibility of the author(s). The article cannot be submitted for simultaneous evaluation in another journal.
  3. Articles published in Portuguese, English, or Spanish will be accepted. 
  4. For the writing and presentation of the text, it is necessary to adapt it to the standards of APA, ABNT, or VANCOUVER (in the case of the health area).
  5. The classification of the Article by section, at the time of submission, may include the following dimensions, which may have more than one concomitant: Unpublished Model / Theory; Field / Empirical / Laboratory Research; Practical Applications; Case Study and Teaching; Descriptive and Critical Analysis; Bibliographic/Documentary Research.
  6. Every article must be submitted in Word format and must not contain the identification of the author(s), as it is submitted for peer review, facilitating review by the Blind Review system, which omits the authorship of the work from the reviewer during the review process.
  7. All authors must be registered in the journal ACERTTE and have ORCID (click
  8. The number of authors per article depends on the research in question. The suggested is a maximum of 8 (eight), but there may be exceptions. Please consult the editors. Above the suggested number, the main author must send a statement to the journal justifying the number of authors and the signature of all of them on the document.
  9. Cover page: must contain the title of the article (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), the full name of the authors, title, institution, and e-mail; Indicate the address and telephone contact of the corresponding author.
  10. Page configuration: A4 (29.7 cm x 21 cm), top margin: 3.0 cm, bottom margin: 2.0 cm, left margin: 3.0 cm, right margin: 2.0 cm.
  11. Job format: Office 97 Word or later, Arial font, size 10 (for the entire manuscript); single spacing for the ABSTRACT, ABSTRACT, and RESUMEN; 1.5 spacing from introduction; Number of suggested pages: minimum of 10 (ten), maximum of 30 (thirty), including references.
  12. The first page of the article should contain the title of the work in Portuguese (in capital letters and bold) and in English and Spanish (in bold and italics).
  13. For the ABSTRACT of the article, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, single-spaced, with a maximum of 250 words. The KEYWORDS, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, at least three and at most six, always separated by a period.
  14. The other topics should be in bold and capital letters, aligned to the left.
  15. The use of images, tables, and illustrations should follow common sense, and preferably the maximum size of the file to be submitted is around 10 MB (ten megabytes).
  16. Authors need to present their ideas, including the use of references.

Important Information:

  • The Editors may or may not accept the article submitted for publication: (i) by the editorial policy; (ii) after it has been evaluated by the double-blind system; (iii) or they may suggest changes to the content of the article, such as about the adequacy of the text to the standards of writing and presentation APA, ABNT or VANCOUVER (in the case of the health area).
  • The article approved for publication will be submitted for final editing and spelling and grammar review.
  • In the OJS system, adopted by ACERTTE, the author(s) will have the submission of the article refused by the system if they do not accept exclusivity, originality, and copyright clauses.
  • The Editors and/or any individual or institution linked to their collegiate bodies are not responsible for the opinions, ideas, concepts, and positions expressed in the texts, as they are the sole responsibility of their author(s).
  • Comments are made in standardized evaluation forms, with space for personalized comments, which are forwarded to the author(s) in case of conditional acceptance, corrections, or refusal.
  • If you have any questions about the submission or registration, please send an e-mail to or WhatsApp to (55) 11 99021-7227.
  • Please make all adjustments within 4 days to expedite the publication.

    To attach the requested files: Access the Magazine system with login and password > Submissions > Queue > Click on article > > Evaluation > Reviews > Send file (> drop-down box will appear with article components, click the arrow and the labels for the files will appear: Article | Archive (Final article within the template); Proof of payment of the fee.

    When you click SEND FILE (you can't drag the file), choose the label of the > file to select the file on your computer's desktop > click continue > to click continue > click finish.

    Do these steps again for each file you attach. MUST BE ATTACHED ONE FILE AT A TIME.

    Titles must be filled with letters in UPPER CASH.

    After completing the Titles and Abstracts in the 3 languages click on "Save".

    Update contributor (Authors) data. To perform the updates you need to follow: Submissions > the > Click in the article > Publication > Contributors. When you click "Contributors" will appear the list of co-authors (who are the authors who have already been registered in the submission).

    If there is a need to include more authors you should click "Include co-author".

    To verify the data of each author you must click on the blue triangle in front of each author's name. When you click on the triangle, the Edit buttons will appear; Delete; Include User. Click Edit and check the data of each author. Do this on all authors.

    Authors' names should not be filled with upper-case letters.

    Place the Keywords in the right column in the Portuguese and Spanish languages.

    After you enter keywords, click "Save" one word at a time.

    Contact ACERTTE - WhatsApp WhatsApp to (55) 11 99021-7227


    Publications of book reviews, interviews, congresses, book chapters, academic/scientific lectures, scientific reports, and translations.

    Course Completion Paper - CCP

    This Category CCP of the journal ACERTTE brings the opportunity of our reader to publish his work of completion of the course: Graduation, Specialization, Postgraduate lato sensu, and MBA, with DOI - Digital Object Identifier, which will bring a great differential, together with the academy and the labor market. The formatting for publication (standards for references) is the same as that of ABNT and/or VANCOUVER for the health area, which also offers its Guidelines for Authors. Therefore, the CCP, after its exposure, will have greater visibility, thus contributing more information and scientific knowledge to our readers from all over the country and abroad.

    The editorial board of ACERTTE, understanding that the work of CCP has already undergone guidance and an examining board does not see the need to go through evaluation again, thus raising the author's responsibility to submit such work, which should be by the guidelines of the journal. Even so, the work will have an editorial follow-up appropriate to ACERTTE.

    The scientific journal ACERTTE aims to promote and disseminate studies in the areas of teaching and research, in Health Sciences and Technology focused on health.

    Cost of publishing the CCP and other submissions

    Cost of publication (COP). For Brazilian authors (Brazil) the publication rate is BRL 299.00. For other authors (other countries), the publication fee is USD 150.00 (one hundred and fifty US dollars). The publishing fee is charged only for accepted jobs. This amount is collected to help in the costs of the management of the magazine which has the following costs: DOI, each item receives one, and its value is paid in dollars; of the librarian - who makes the corrections of the citations; the costs of IT; accounting office; the magazine has CNPJ; advertising; the site to which the magazine is hosted; reviewers at Portuguese end before publication; legal advice; taxes; among other expenses and investments. There is no submission fee.

    Copyright Statement of the definitions;

    1. a) "WORK" - means literary material of intellectual authorship of the respective authors, such as article/review / CCP / translations/images / video / interviews / others, whose marketing rights (provision of access and consultation), belong to the AUTHOR, as well as any existing updates.
    2. b) "DIGITAL CONTENT" means the set of all WORKS, made available by the author and co-authors to the MAGAZINE ACERTTE, in a format accessible for electronic reading, which can be accessed through a digital platform or other available technology, and which will be made available by the AUTHOR to the ACERTTE Journal.

    Declares the author to be the sole and exclusive holder of the property rights of the works that integrate all the digital content submitted in the JOURNAL ACERTTE. It also declares to have all marketing rights, permission for temporary access, and reproduction (in whole or in part) of the whole or parts, for publication purposes. ACERTTE Magazine grants permission to access and/or share digital content, similar or similar, in EPUB3, PDF, or any other technologically possible format, for access by third parties for any purpose for any specific purpose. It declares that about the contents respected and observed all property copyrights, under Law 9.610/98.

    Copyright Statement When Submitting Digital Content

    It also grants the AUTHOR to ACERTTE magazine an exclusive license to:

    The sending of any DIGITAL CONTENT, automatically implies the full AUTHORIZATION of copyright to the Journal ACERTTE, being able to publish, display, give temporary access to third parties, and distribute the contents in any territories in which the JOURNAL ACERTTE carries out activities as well as the rights to make access and consultation available, belonging to the website of the journal ACERTTE, (site of the platform of publication/dissemination of access to articles). ACERTTE will have the freedom/right to index the journal on any platform or indexing directory, national or international, without having to communicate or consult its writers.

    The set of all WORKS (articles, reviews, CCPs, translations, images, videos, interviews, and others), in physical or digital format, were legally provided by the writers when the submission of their works on the ACERTTE platform.

    This AUTHORIZATION occurred at the time when the article was registered and the submission by the author or authors, accepting the copyright conditions set out in the ACERTTE Journal21, which complies with national and international standards for the dissemination of digital content.


    It is explicit for all purposes of law that if the transfer is made, I take full responsibility for the ideological and referential contribution conferred to this work, exempting the JOURNAL ACERTTE from any reflections about this article/work that I submit to publish. I am aware that I will be able to answer, civilly and criminally in case of proven plagiarism of the production or any topic that raises ideological/political issues.

    Privacy Policy

    The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and are not made available for other purposes or to third parties.


    Make a new submission to the Artigos section.

    Copyright Statement When Submitting Digital Content

    It also grants the AUTHOR to ACERTTE magazine an exclusive license to:

    The sending of any DIGITAL CONTENT, automatically implies the full AUTHORIZATION of copyright to the Journal ACERTTE, being able to publish, display, give temporary access to third parties, and distribute the contents in any territories in which the JOURNAL ACERTTE carries out activities as well as the rights to make access and consultation available, belonging to the website of the journal ACERTTE, (site of the platform of publication/dissemination of access to articles). ACERTTE will have the freedom/right to index the journal on any platform or indexing directory, national or international, without having to communicate or consult its writers.

    The set of all WORKS (articles, reviews, CCPs, translations, images, videos, interviews, and others), in physical or digital format, were legally provided by the writers when the submission of their works on the ACERTTE platform.

    This AUTHORIZATION occurred at the time when the article was registered and the submission by the author or authors, accepting the copyright conditions set out in the ACERTTE Journal, which complies with national and international standards for the dissemination of digital content.


    It is explicit for all purposes of law that if the transfer is made, I take full responsibility for the ideological and referential contribution conferred to this work, exempting the JOURNAL ACERTTE from any reflections about this article/work that I submit to publish. I am aware that I will be able to answer, civilly and criminally in case of proven plagiarism of the production or any topic that raises ideological/political issues.

    Privacy Statement

    The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other part


Standard section policy



Publications of book reviews, interviews, congresses, book chapters, academic/scientific lectures, scientific reports and translations.

Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - TCC

This Category TCC of acertte magazine brings the opportunity of our reader to publish his work of completion of course: Graduation, Specialization, Postgraduate lato sensu and MBA, with DOI - Digital Object Identifier, which will bring a great differential, together with the academy and the labor market. The formatting for publication (standards for references) is the same as that of ABNT and/or VANCOUVER for the health area, adopted by the journal ACERTTE, which also offers its Guidelines for Authors. Therefore, the CBT, after its exposure, will have greater visibility, thus contributing more information and scientific knowledge to our readers from all over the country and abroad.

The editorial board of ACERTTE, understanding that the work of CBT has already undergone guidance and an examining board does not see the need to go through evaluation again, thus increasing the responsibility of the author to submit such work, which should be in accordance with the guidelines of the journal. Even so, the work will have an editorial follow-up appropriate to ACERTTE standards. 

The multidisciplinary scientific journal ACERTTE aims to promote and disseminate studies in the fields of teaching and research, in Applied Social Sciences



This category Theses and Dissertations of the journal brings the opportunity for our reader to publish his end-of-course work: Postgraduate Stricto sensu and MBA, with DOI - Digital Object Identifier, which will bring a great differential, with the academy and the labor market. The formatting for publication (norms for references) is the same of the ABNT and/or VANCOUVER for the Health area, adopted by the journal, which also offers its Guidelines for Authors. Therefore, the thesis/dissertation, after its exposure, will have a greater visibility, thus being able to contribute with more information and scientific knowledge to our readers all over the country and abroad.
The editorial board of the journal, understanding that the work has already undergone orientation and an examining board does not see the need to undergo evaluation again, thus increasing the responsibility of the author in submitting such work, which must be in accordance with the guidelines of the journal. Even so, the work will have an editorial accompaniment adequate to the journal's standards.
Publication costs of thesis/dissertation and other submissions
Publication cost (CDP). For Brazilian authors (Brazil) the publication fee is R$ 400.00 BRL (for hundred reais). For other authors (other countries), the publication fee is US$ 100.00 USD (one hundred American dollars). The publication fee is charged only for accepted papers. This amount is collected to help with the costs of managing the journal, which has the following costs: DOI, each article receives one, and its value is paid in dollars; the librarian - who makes the corrections of citations; the costs of IT; the accounting office; the journal has a CNPJ; advertising; the website where the journal is hosted; the Portuguese revisers at the end before publication; the legal counsel; taxes; among other expenses and investments.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and are not made available for other purposes or to third parties.

The Journal undertakes to the protection of personal data through technical and administrative measures (Art. 46) collected during the process in compliance with Law 13.709/2018 - General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD). The names, data and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication through the hypothesis of processing the Performance of Contract provided for in Art. 7, V, established through this instrument. The data collected, and in cases of failure to submit, the journal undertakes to delete all personal data in respect of Art. 15 and 16 of the LGPD, will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

To obtain the Rights of the Holders (access, correction, exclusion, portability) pursuant to Art. 18 of the LGPD, contact directly the DPO / Responsible for the Processing of Personal Data.

In compliance with Art. 41 of the LGPD, a D.P.O. is established, taking into account the communications of the holders and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) through the following e-mail: