Indexers and impact factor of scientific journals

Indexers and impact factor are two metrics used as parameters of quality and visibility of scientific journals worldwide. Its main assistant is editors, writers, scientists, scholars, academics and readers in general with regard to the quality, accessibility and visibility of their articles and research papers.

Indexers are digital platforms that bring together a set of journal titles that have undergone a selection process to be indexed on the platform, they facilitate access, dissemination and appreciation of scientific production generated in countries, and especially in the various languages in which they are published. Thus, it congratulates and provides information of original articles to the reader for the location of the material of interest, without the need to search thoroughly all journals in the area under study, which would require a lot of time.

The impact factor is a method used to qualify scientific journals based on the citations they receive, for example, if 1000 articles have been published in the last two years and the journal has received 100 citations in the last year, the impact factor of this journal is 0.1. This bibliometric method evaluates the importance of scientific journals in their respective areas, being a measure that reflects the average number of citations of articles published in a given journal.

There are today thousands of indexer platforms and internet impact factor that publishers and readers can use to analyze their magazines and articles, the higher the impact factor and number of indexes of the journals, the better quality it will be!

The Scientific Journal ACERTTE is present in the following indexers/directories:

1) ABEC - Associação brasileira de editores científicos – Brasil

2) DOI – Crossref – EUA

3) ISSN – International Centre - EUA

4) ROAD - Directory of open access scholarly resources - EUA

5) Sumários - Brasil 

6) e-Livro EUA

7) edu-CAPES

8) CADI - Cadastro de Informações Institucionais – Brasil

9) CNPq - Brasil 

10) Plataforma Sucupira - Brasil 

11) LivRe - Brasil 

12) Google Acadêmico 

13) Google Analytics

14) DIADORIM - Brasil 

15) CiteFactor - EUA

16) Universitats Bibliothek - Alemanha

17) Directory of Research Journals Indexing - EUA

18) BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine - Europa 

19) Elektronich3e - Alemanha

20) WorldCat - EUA

21) Hochschulbibliothek Zittau/Görlitzc - Europa

22) I2OR Indexing Services and Evaluation of Publication Impact Factor - Índia e Austrália 

23) WZB - Berlin Social Science Center - Europa

24)  IIJIF - International Innovative Journal Impact Factor – Índia

25) NORMATIZA - Canadá, Europa e Brasil - Internacional

26) CiteFactor -  Journal for Impact Factor - Canadá

27) Latindex - Europa e América Latina 

28) Scope Database - Índia  


30) Researchbib Academic Resource 



33) Publons

34) MIGUILIM - Brasil

35) IBICT - Brasil 

36) International Scientific Indexing - Emirados Árabes Unidos