3rd International Meeting of Scientific Journals
On October 6, 2023, the editorial team of the journal ACERTTE organized the 3rd International Meeting of Scientific Journals at Guarulhos University, in São Paulo, Brazil. The event was honored to be attended by editors and professors from countries such as the United States, Portugal, Angola and Mozambique. Of the ten speakers who attended, three are ranked among the top 10 researchers in the world in their respective fields. Among them are: Dr. Jamil A. Shibli, Dr. Josué de Moraes, Dr. Magda Feres, Esp. Edson Roberto Berbel, Dr. Bruno Magera Conceição, Dr. Anthony Portigliatti, Dr. Rafael Olivieri, Me. Magno de Oliveira, Dr. Davis Alves and Dr. Antonio Mussaqui. We were thrilled to record the virtual attendance of more than 7,000 attendees, to whom we express our deep gratitude.