social action

In this section, ACERTTE editor-in-chief will publish their social responsibility actions. The magazine understands that part of its revenue should return to society in the form of actions that help people minimize their socioeconomic problems. And, we will also be able to participate together with other institutes in projects of social responsibility, diversity, inclusion and environmental management, not only in Brazil, but also in other nations that may need the help/support of ACERTTE Magazine. All these actions are linked to the pillars of our magazine's mission.

1) August the number 7 and 9 item were published without fee collection.

2) In September articles 20, 26, 27 and 21 were published without fee collection. 

3) In November Article 38 was published without fee collection. 

4) In The month of January Article 60 was published without fee collection. 

5) In the month of April Article 70 was published without fee collection.

6) In The month of June Article 79 was published without fee collection.  

7) In the month of July Article 89 was published without fee collection. 

8) In the month of October Article 102 was published without fee collection.