Our journal has consciously chosen not to seek public funding or run ads on our websites, which is a fundamental decision to maintain our autonomy and ensure complete editorial independence.

Therefore, in order to cover the expenses inherent to our publications, we have opted for the financing model in which the authors themselves contribute through the payment of a publication fee that is calculated based on a series of factors, including monthly fixed costs, variable expenses and investments: hosting the publications on the site, hiring qualified professionals (journalists, lawyers, librarians, IT specialists), a Data Protection Officer (DPO), accountant, DOI registration (in dollars), communication services (internet and telephone), proofreading and layout of texts, marketing, software subscriptions, acquisition of equipment, taxes (federal and municipal) and records on various platforms.

Acertte clarifies that there is no cost for the initial submission of articles. However, a publication fee of R$ 299.00 (two hundred and ninety-nine reais) for authors in Brazil and U$ 150.00 (one hundred and fifty dollars) for international authors is applied after the article is approved. It is essential to check all the details before submission, as corrections after publication will imply an additional fee of R$ 200.00 (two hundred reais).

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