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This category Theses and Dissertations of the journal brings the opportunity for our reader to publish his end-of-course work: Postgraduate Stricto sensu and MBA, with DOI - Digital Object Identifier, which will bring a great differential, with the academy and the labor market. The formatting for publication (norms for references) is the same of the ABNT and/or VANCOUVER for the Health area, adopted by the journal, which also offers its Guidelines for Authors. Therefore, the thesis/dissertation, after its exposure, will have a greater visibility, thus being able to contribute with more information and scientific knowledge to our readers all over the country and abroad.
The editorial board of the journal, understanding that the work has already undergone orientation and an examining board does not see the need to undergo evaluation again, thus increasing the responsibility of the author in submitting such work, which must be in accordance with the guidelines of the journal. Even so, the work will have an editorial accompaniment adequate to the journal's standards.

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