



Environment. Climate Change. Economy.


Environmental Education presents itself as one of the few alternatives to the climate changes that have been plaguing planet Earth in recent decades, but how to adopt this education in a world where the concentration of income and political dictates are in the hands of a few people? One of the objectives of this article is precisely to expose the viscera of this perverse political and economic system that destroys nature and does not measure its consequences to achieve the goal of accumulating more and more profit on the capital invested. There are some ways out for better human equity in the environment, but all go through political and universal will, rare actions today. Man has always been selfish and inhuman and his history will not change because of a new Environmental Education, perhaps we need a world hecatomb so that, those who remain, start a new planet Earth.


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Author Biographies

Márcio Magera Conceição

Economist from PUC-Campinas. MBA in Marketing - ESAMC, Sorocaba. Master in Administration from UNG - Guarulhos. Master's degree in Sociology from PUC - São Paulo. PhD in Sociology from PUC - São Paulo. PhD in Business Administration from FCU - USA. Post-Doctorate Unicamp - Campinas. Post-Doctor FCU - USA. Post-Doctor UC- Portugal. Journalist and Writer. Evaluator of MEC/INEP. Pro-Rector of Guarulhos University, SP. Editor-in-chief of RECIMA21 – MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL. Ph.D., UNG; CFE - U.C Portugal.

Joelma Telesi Pacheco Conceição

Graduada em Gestão de Pessoas pela Unifaccamp. Especialista em Gestão de Pessoas pela Unifaccamp. Mestrado em Administração pela Unifaccamp e Mestrado em Geoambiental pela Universidade Guarulhos. Professora universitária e avaliadora do MEC. 

Fabricio Bau Dalmas

Coordenador do programa de mestrado em Geoambiental da Universidade Guarulhos. 

Ricardo Costa

Professor universitário e do programa de mestrado em Geoambiental da Universidade Guarulhos. 

Professor da Universidade UNIP, SP. 


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How to Cite

Magera Conceição, M., Telesi Pacheco Conceição, J., Bau Dalmas, F., & Costa , R. (2023). ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION – WILL WE HAVE TIME TO SAVE PLANET EARTH?. ACERTTE SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 3(5), e35135. https://doi.org/10.47820/acertte.v3i5.135