Interdisciplinarity. Pain, Suffering, Integral CareAbstract
The field of palliative care is presented under an attentive look at social suffering based on the concept of total pain, revealing its dimensions and practical approach associated with the interdisciplinary work process in health. The study aims to analyze palliative care and its relationship with human rights from multidimensional conceptions inherent to pain, especially social pain. In this way, the research was developed using documentary and bibliographical research based on the works of classic authors, such as Cicely Saunders and Michel Foucault in his last phase, to understand pain and finitude.In the Brazilian reality, the reduces the social pain it depends on an intersectoral and participatory approach.Therefore, they require an interdisciplinary action supported by public health policies to enable access and maintenance of care for palliative patients. It is concluded that patients in a state of intense vulnerability, given the limiting condition imposed by the lack of prospects for a cure, must have the possibility of resignifying their lives and, for this, depend on a double associated movement: effective state protection and teams prepared for this comprehensive care.
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